Marine enthusiasts may occasionally find themselves daydreaming about restoring a beautiful boat, but actually finding one to repair and restore can be a daunting decision. However, if you’re motivated to give life back to an old model, it can be done! Our team at Clarks Landing has put together a few tips to help you decide whether or not you’re ready to take on a project boat. 

Ask Yourself This: Is It Worth It?

It’s not the most fun question to ask yourself, but it’s important to truly weigh the risk and reward of an undertaking like completely repairing a boat. No matter how much you love the model in question or how much sentimental value there might be attached to it, you have to be honest with yourself about the condition it’s in. Is it salvageable? And if it is, can you repair it without spending too much more than what the boat would be worth in prime condition?

Of course, the decision is ultimately yours, and if you plan to keep it for yourself, the resale value may not be as large of a factor. However, it never hurts to consider the difference in total value and total repair cost. 

Complete an Inspection and Get Second Opinions

A big factor in committing to a boat restoration is knowing exactly what needs to be fixed. The best way to determine the total scope of the project is to complete an inspection and ask for a second opinion. 

Although you might know a thing or two about boats, it’s very useful to have a secondary source take a look at the vessel; they might see things from a different perspective and catch something you overlooked. 

Take note of the concerns and compile a list of tasks you will need to complete. You can also create a checklist during this process!

Establish a Workspace

In order to successfully complete a boat restoration project, you need an efficient workspace. You’ll need to keep the boat away from the elements, so a garage or large shop would be ideal. It’s also important that your work area is spacious enough to easily move around the entirety of the boat and you may also need to lift different elements of the watercraft. 

Gather the Right Equipment and Create a Budget

Finally, be realistic about the available tools and equipment you have to complete all the necessary repairs. Maybe you’ve completed boat maintenance tasks before, but this project will likely be a bit more involved! Take stock of your tools and create a budget for the parts, supplies, and equipment you’ll need in order to finish the restoration. 

Choosing to restore a boat is an admirable endeavor and we’d love to be a part of the process! Visit us in Point Pleasant, NJ, Shady Side, MD, or Stevensville, MD, to stock up on the right parts and get service advice from our team. Our New Jersey and Maryland service department is always here to help.